Auto-Liquidity Engine
Auto Liquidity
Market Liquidity is essential to the functioning of the ZiMax protocol, as it allows for the easy buying and selling of $ZMX tokens on PancakeSwap. Simply put, Liquidity refers to a large pool of money that is divided equally between $ZMX tokens and $BNB tokens, with a conversion ratio set to determine how much $ZMX can be obtained with BNB. For example, after the presale, when someone buys a ZiMax token, the price per ZiMax will go up, and the ratio will also change accordingly. The same applies in the opposite direction for selling.
However, low liquidity can lead to poor prices for buyers and sellers, which is where the ZiMax Auto-Liquidity Engine comes in. The Auto Liquidity engine is designed to automatically inject liquidity into the market, ensuring that there is always enough money in the pool to allow for easy buying and selling of $ZMX tokens.
The Auto Liquidity engine works by taking a 4% tax fee on each buy or sell order and storing it in an Auto-LP wallet. The smart contract then takes 50% of the ZiMax stored in the wallet and uses it to buy BNB at the current market price, while the remaining 50% is used for the ZiMax side of liquidity. This ensures an equal 50/50 weighting of ZMX/BNB, which is then automatically added as new, additional liquidity to the market pair, increasing the amount of liquidity in the pool.
The Auto-Liquidity Engine operates every 48 hours, adding more and more liquidity to the pool, and allowing ZiMax token holders to easily sell their tokens at any time with minimal market slippage. Additionally, it helps to maintain protocol stability, ensuring that the APY is upheld for the entire life of ZiMax. The Auto Liquidity engine is an essential component of the ZiMax protocol and plays a crucial role in ensuring the continued growth and success of the platform.
The Auto Liquidity Address: 0x940813822c678E9f11974AB077cCbE1dE2D0801b
Last updated